This is the login screen Audition AyoDance:
If you do not have ID Dancer should you register for a Dancer ID first website to Audition,
When you have your ID Dancer, then you can log in to Audition AyoDance
Once you have arrived in the server selection screen, choose the server you want.
For the first time play Audition, we suggest that play in the Server Newbie.
This is a special server for beginners Dancer Level 1 to level 5.
When you want to play with the more game modes and challenges variatif more interesting, you can play in the Server Free.
After selecting a server, you will also choose the channel where you will play.
There are several options for each channel server. The full Channel indicator bar, the more you play the Dancer in the Channel.
For the beginner, choreography Mode / Dance Competition will be quite confusing. Because Dance Competition in play mode, you are required to perform the same movement with your other team members.
This mode can be played using a 4-D or D-8.
Tip This mode is for each team should contend that the people have one set of movements used. Team togetherness, so keep awake.
If there is any one of the team members perform a different movement, then the punishment will be given for Teamnya, the pattern can not enter Key Note for the next round.
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